The coursework was worthwhile, and I have developed into a deeper scientific and "big picture" thinker after learning and experiencing the didactic and conversational aspects of classes, peers, and professors.
When I look back, I remember the information we learned, but the most vivid memories are of what we did outside the classroom. I love Tulane because of the service component. It creates a community of cohesive giving, which I think makes for a healthier sociological atmosphere. My service this semester was as follows:
Habitat for Humanity- 8 hrs
Class Soil Collection- 2 hrs
NORD Fitness Bootcamp work- 3 hrs
Whole Life Challenge Volunteer-3 hrs
Total: 16 hours
My outtro for the year is a good "roll credits" kind of song, and one of my favorites about New Orleans. Learning about drugs, I have to say that the city itself is some kind of transcription factor. Once you stay here, it's always a part of you.